Owner: Rogue, Bridgeport, Conn. 90-cu,-in 1974 Shovelhead
Photos by Pete Chiodo

Rogue is the owner—who cares what
the bike looks like?
do you handle a bike feature about Connecticut’s Rogue? We could be
sarcastic about the man and
be fire-bombed. As much as I hate to write
a serious-to-tears story at least
I’ve got to tell
it like it is.
Ya see, Rogue isn’t
your average, pasteurized,
homogenized biker. ‘Course, now that I've squeezed that
last comment outta my straining brain, I realize
that I don’t know one damn average biker. Anyway, for sometime now,
this man has been very important to motorcycling, And without listing
his accomplishments one by one like a goddam resume, I’ll mention just
a couple of high points. Like the time in second grade when he scored
some stinkfinger from his teach—which will no doubt illustrate
the massive assistance this individual has
given our sport and the helmet
When Rogue first communicated with Easyriders, he was
National President of
the Huns and one of the
concerned scooter people who helped organize the
Connecticut Motorcycle Association, That was at
least five years ago.
Since then, he was instrumental in defeating the helmet law in
Connecticut and he also helped other states that
needed assistance in fighting unfair
legislation. He has worked with ABATE and various motorcycling
publications to back the fight
for bikers’ rights.
The freak also goes so
far as to assist clubs in settling their differences And finally, his ol'
lady says he’s a good fuck.
Now have we kissed his
ass or have we
kissed his ass?