a torque wrench, tighten the head bolts to 25, 35, and a finally 45 foot
pounds of torque. Double check your work.
Rocker boxes
are preset at the factory, but if you have any doubts or used parts,
refer to Quick Throttle Number 24, March 1999 for procedure.
o-rings in the head to rocker box surface and install a set of
adjustable pushrods and rocker boxes. Tighten so that rocker box is
tight to head but not torqued. Turn the engine over to position a cam
lobe to the lowest point and adjust that pushrod in the normal manner;
repeat for the remaining pushrods.
the rocker boxes making sure to account for all the bolts and washers.
Mark pushrods for position and remove them from the engine. Measure the
pushrods for exact length and using unfinished pushrods from someone
like White Brothers, make a set of pushrods to the correct length.
Record the length in case you ever need it in the future.
When the pushrods are ready to install in pushrod covers, lightly
oil each end. Replace o-rings and reinstall them into the engine. You do
not have to change the o-rings that you previously installed in the
head. Tighten the rocker box to the head-start in the center and go
front and rear, then outside rows. First torque to 200-inch/pounds then
go over them to 240-inch/pounds.
After the rocker boxes are torqued, turn the engine over to find
the low spot on cam lobe. You should be able to just spin the pushrod.
Carefully adjust the swivel foot closest to the pushrod so that it is
exactly the same as the one that was preset at the factory-repeat this
procedure for the three other pushrods, making sure each pushrod spins
freely before turning the engine over.