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Freedom Reign. Short Tribute To Biker Rogue. |
Published by
Cyril Huze
14th, 2007
Customs and
am writing a Blog, not an online magazine and sometimes I regret
that my posts have to be so short. Frustration of not being able to
describe in details a cool custom motorcycle, to feature all
technical info about a new part or to present at length an
individual whose contribution to the industry would deserve a full
book. I am talking about
Biker Rogue (Real name John Herlihy). May I say that if you
didn’t recognize him in major or local biker events, met him or
talked to him you are not a real biker? Rogue’s fight to repeal the
helmet law in Connecticut and his fight for all and any biker rights
are legendary in the industry. How many of you realize that the
ride you enjoy today would never be possible without a few guys like
Rogue. Where would we be today if it weren’t for people like
him. Walk straight, don’t bad mouth, respect others, stand up and
fight for your rights and never deviate from these rules landed him
in 2005 in The Sturgis Hall Of Fame. But this gray bearded biker is
also a superb mechanic (each year rebuilding and assembling a few
bikes for a select clientele), a sought after new part R&D
researcher and developer for many companies in the American V-Twin
industry, a meticulous new parts tester and a famous photo
journalist whose work is continuously published in all national
magazines since the late 60’s. For some good technical information
and latest legal news, visit his website at
Biker Rogue. For bike assembly, parts testing or
photo-journalism assignments contact Rogue on my behalf at